Lobbying compensation: Small firms are ‘little but fierce’


Lobbying compensation: Small firms are ‘little but fierce’

By Drew Wilson
August 23, 2019

To paraphrase the Bard, the state’s small influence firms may be but little, but they’re still fierce.

Lobbying compensation reports for the second quarter are starting to trickle in. Florida lobbyists report their pay quarterly. Reports for the period covering April 1 through June 30 are due Aug. 14.

The reports disclose how much pay lobbyists and lobbying firms receive from their clients in ranges covering $10,000 increments up to $50,000, after which the exact amount of pay must be reported.

Florida Politics uses the middle number of the reported ranges to estimate quarterly pay. That still shows some healthy revenue for even the smaller concerns.

Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson and his lobbying partner Joshua Burkett represented 18 clients in the second quarter and brought in up to $200,000 for their efforts.

The duo’s legislative compensation report shows two clients paid an estimated $15,000 apiece: Chief Executive Officers of Management Companies and Woz U Education. The remainder of Anderson’s and Burkett’s contracts netted between $1 and $10,000.

Per the last line of the report, they earned no less than $50,000 plying the Legislature and could have earned as much as $100,000. It was the same case on the executive report, where the team juggled 16 principals.

The same two clients were again marked down in the $10,000 to $20,000 range with the rest netting the pair up to $10,000 each.

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